But who remembers when he was the first act to play at Falkirk Stadium back in 2012. He led the way for other top acts to follow over the years including 10cc, Tom Jones, Elton’s pal Rod Stewart and last year, The Killers.
For two and a half hours he entertained the 15,000-strong crowd who loved every note of his favourite melodies, including Rocket Man, The Bitch is Back, Candle in the Wind, Tiny Dancer, and, of course, Goodbye Yellow Brick Road.
Those at Glastonbury last night may have enjoyed his show but here’s a look back at that very special evening in Falkirk 11 years ago.

. Elton John in Falkirk
It's 11 years since Elton John played Falkirk Stadium. Photo: Michael Gillen

. Elton John in Falkirk
Elton John with Edinburgh-born guitarist Davey Johnstone. Photo: Michael Gillen

. Elton John in Falkirk
The crowd begin to fill the stadium which had a special surface installed to protect the pitch. Photo: Michael Gillen

. Elton John in Falkirk
It may have been June but everyone was wrapped up against the chill. Photo: Michael Gillen

. Elton John in Falkirk
Elton's love of crazy glasses certainly was passed on to his fans. Photo: Michael Gillen

1. Elton John in Falkirk
It's 11 years since Elton John played Falkirk Stadium. Photo: Michael Gillen

2. Elton John in Falkirk
Elton John with Edinburgh-born guitarist Davey Johnstone. Photo: Michael Gillen

3. Elton John in Falkirk
The crowd begin to fill the stadium which had a special surface installed to protect the pitch. Photo: Michael Gillen