Town Hall event puts growth for Falkirk in the spotlight

The council's plan to submit an Investment Zone bid for Falkirk will be the main focus of a free event to be staged in the Town Hall next month.

Organised by the council and Business Gateway Falkirk the meeting will review plans to stimulate further growth and investment across the area.

The aim is to keep local firms up to date with the latest work currently underway to support Falkirk businsses, and there will be a progress report on action and achievements over the last 12 months.

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The event, on May 16, will also offer a chance to put questions directly to the council team and to discuss important issues with other local businesses and stakeholders.

Attendees will be asked to take part in an economic survey to monitor changes since the last event, and the results will be immediately published online.

This event is free to all businesses in the Falkirk area and you can register at

For more information call Falkirk Council, Growth & Investment Unit on 01324 590 960 or email [email protected]