The first Remembrance Sunday service to be held at Bainsford War MemorialThe first Remembrance Sunday service to be held at Bainsford War Memorial
The first Remembrance Sunday service to be held at Bainsford War Memorial

Remembrance Sunday: First services at new Bainsford and Carronshore War Memorials

While services took place at war memorials across the country on Sunday, for two Falkirk district communities their events had special significance.

Thanks to the hard work of volunteers over a number of years, new memorials were built in Bainsford and Carronshore. Both were dedicated in services earlier this year.

Sunday marked the first time the communities could come together and pay tribute to those who had lived in their areas but had died in the First and Second World War.

The Bainsford memorial was unveiled in June and bears the names of 224 men who died – although two more names are to be added after information was received.

In Carronshore, the dedication ceremony took place in March and its memorial ensures the names of the 36 men who died will never be forgotten.

"At the going down of the sun and in the morning, we will remember them.”

The Bainsford memorial was unveiled in June and bears the names of 224 men who died – although two more names are to be added after information was received.

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