Cheers to another successful event from the organisers.Cheers to another successful event from the organisers.
Cheers to another successful event from the organisers.

In pictures: Crowds enjoying EID in the Park 2023 at the Helix

Crowds turned out to enjoy this year’s EID in the Park held at the Helix.

This was a new location for the popular event, previously it had taken place in Callendar Park. The new venue proved a draw with crowds enjoying lots of activities, food, music and spent time browsing the many stalls.

They also had an opportunity to meet the event's two mascots, Latif the Lobster and Bilal the Bear.

EID in the Park provided a unique opportunity for local residents and visitors to celebrate different cultures and heritage.

One of the organisers said: “Eid in the Park 2023 is a remarkable event that has grown each year and was again a day filled with fun, food, and community spirit. This year's theme was a celebration of the rich tapestry of cultures that our Falkirk Muslims hail from.

"As always, Eid in the Park is more than just an event – it's a vibrant showcase of our shared heritage, diversity, and unity, as well as being an exploration of the beautiful traditions that make our community so special.”

EID in the Park provided a unique opportunity for local residents and visitors to celebrate different cultures and heritage.

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