Baby of the week: Bonnybridge tot Sophia Sadiq

Sophia Kristen Chelsea Sadiq was born on September 11, 2021 at Forth Valley Royal Hospital, weighing 6lb 4oz.
Sophia SadiqSophia Sadiq
Sophia Sadiq

Mum Charlene Brannan, 33, is support for learning at Easter Carmuirs Primary, while dad Nadeem Sadiq, 36, is a warehouse operative at Asda.

The couple are due to be married this weekend.

Sophia has a big sister, Lucy-may who is 12.

The family live in Bonnybridge.

Mum said her pregnancy was a little different to her first as she felt no movements during the whole pregnancy so she was at the hospital twice a week for monitoring.

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Sophia was born three weeks early and was a special present for her mum who shares the same birthday.

Mum had been due to be induced on September 9 after baby was measuring small, but by the Friday nothing had happened. We had to wait until the next day as they were short staffed and that’s when mum realised they would share a birthday.

During the pregnancy mum and dad wanted a name beginning with S to go with her surname and Sophia kept popping up, so they went with that. Kirsten is after her mum’s sister who passed away seven years ago, and Chelsea is after the football team as her dad is Chelsea football daft.

Sophia is a very laid back, happy and sociable baby, who loves going to rhythm time and swimming.

Her proud grandparents are Nazma Akhtar and Helen and Robert Brannan.

*If you’ve recently had a baby and would like them to feature, email [email protected].