Normal service has been resumed

With Christmas past and schools resumed, so too have the various sections of all companies. As well as weekly meetings and normal badge work routines, preparations will be underway for whatever local competitions particular companies enter and in which they hope to excel. For those still involved in the national competitions, and I’ve indicated so far the progress of 1st Polmont (Brightons Church) in the Masterteam Quiz and 1st Grangemouth (Abbotsgrange Church) in table tennis; I can now add that Captain Paul Mitchell of 8th Falkirk (Bainsford Church) reports on their table tennis team defeating 1st Overton Company 8-1 and so progress to the quarter-finals in that discipline. For officers, too, January means resumption of other than weekly activities which include the Junior and Company Sections’ committee meeting; the Anchor Boy fun day; The Stedfast Association annual church service at the Dawson Mission on Sunday, January 26, at 110am; and the battalion executive meeting at Bainsford on Thursday, January 30. Yes ‘‘normal service’’ has well and truly resumed. Where now all these new year resolutions? Perhaps one to keep in mind; to have at least one officer at all the relevant meetings involving their sections or to which they have been appointed. That way workload can be spread and more views for improvement heard. From my point of view, early notifications to me of any special events and reports of competition and activities would be welcome to let me keep readers updated on all our activities and perhaps widen the appeal of membership. That’s probably enough to ask of officers by way of resolve. It is with sadness I indicate the passing of the Rev. Ian Wilkie after long spells of illness. Ian was the chaplain of 1st Falkirk Company at Grahamston United Church and previous battalion chaplain. Our prayers are with his family and friends.