Companies prepare for Guild engagement
It would seem that the anticipated requests for BB speakers for Scottish Guilds which, estimated at around 100 per year over the three year period, is 150 over the first year and very much welcome as an chance for involvement in this partnership. Requests have come from Guilds within Falkirk & District and officers are preparing to speak at Guild meetings between now and Christmas, with no doubt, more later. The talks will present an up to date view of the BB as, perhaps, the image many will recall is of yesteryear with the history of drill parades, ‘‘pill-box, haversack and belt’’! At the recent battalion sections committee meetings I counted around 20 arrangements being discussed to engage with boys in training courses, competitions, fun days and events. Therein lies the strength of the BB in its wide appeal to different age groups and continuing development of members from age six to 18; no easy task as all such activities are entirely managed week by week by volunteers giving of their time and expertise to shape these young lives in the advancement of Christ’s Kingdom and promoting habits in such keeping.(There should be, too, no shortage of news to keep this column updated and hopefully reports of local successes. Twenty-nine companies have already registered for ‘‘Quest’’ the latest Scotland-wide competition. Seventeen separate challenges make up the competition which was designed by the Year of Young People advisory group. For those looking for such a challenge, information can be had on line from the BB HQ.