Town centre update: People queue to see latest Falkirk plans at drop-in sessions
A chance to have a first look at concepts and ideas for a revamp of Falkirk town centre created by award-winning Threesixty Architect drew hundreds of people.
The drop-in sessions helped people to see a vision of how the town centre might change over the next 20 years, and to allow them to give feedback.
Local businesses and residents took part in the event, which saw queueing to get in before the doors even opened.
On show were a range of conceptual ideas, planning around creating a vibrant and inviting Falkirk town centre, pulled together after months of consultation. Before the plans were presented, the architects had spent six months talking with local businesses, community groups, young people and individuals.
Ideas on show
The new masterplan ideas included travel plans, balancing access for cars, active travel and public transport.
There were initiatives to attract more residents, promote cultural activities, create green space, enhance accessibility and welfare facilities and bring essential services into the town.
And as well as promoting Falkirk’s cultural heritage, there were plans to build a vibrant café and nightlife culture.
Challenging times
The drop-in session also highlighted some of the ideas to mitigate challenges facing towns across the country – dated 60s architecture, empty retail units and anti-social behaviour, as well as opportunities presented by having the new town hall in the centre.
Councillor Cecil Meiklejohn, Leader of Falkirk Council, said: “It was a hugely successful event with more than 300 people coming through the doors who were keen to see the masterplan, which is essentially a vision of how the town centre could evolve over time. Speaking to people on the day, I got a real sense of their hope and excitement. It was heartening to hear how positive they were about the potential transformation of the town centre and how they agreed the new town hall would be a catalyst for change.
“I think that positivity comes down, in large part, to the fact the concepts have been built around the views of local people and the knowledge and expertise that Threesixty Architects – who have worked with other local authorities on similar regeneration projects – brings to the table.”
Michael McGuinness, Head of Growth, Planning and Climate Change, highlighted the importance of collaboration and emphasised the importance of working with private sector partners to realise the masterplan.
He said: “The council cannot do this alone. We absolutely must do this with the private sector. This is about setting out our stall through this vision and making clear to private developers – here’s what we aspire to; here’s what we believe this town centre could look like in the future.”
What happens next?
The council will be reviewing the feedback from the event to refine the Development Framework Masterplan. The town centre element is expected to be put to councillors after the summer recess.
For more information about the plans, please contact [email protected]
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