Some dogs are born to protect.Some dogs are born to protect.
Some dogs are born to protect.

Guard Dogs 2024: Here are the 10 most alert breeds of adorable dog perfect to protect your home - including the brave Rottweiler 🐶

As demand for puppies continues to soar, here are the breeds that are perfect for those looking for a courageous guard dog to protect their home and their loved ones.

The last few years have seen many of us welcome a new four-legged friend into our homes, as the Kennel Club has seen dog ownership rocket to record levels of late – with around one-in-three UK homes now containing a four-legged friend (or two) of the canine kind.

But with 221 different breeds of pedigree dog to choose from, there’s plenty of thinking to do before you select your perfect pup.

Those with active lifestyles might want to consider a larger dog, while somebody with allergies will be looking for a hypoallerganic dog.

Some are looking for a dog that will make them feel safer in their own home – and, with many guard dogs also affectionate and loyal, they can make great all-round family pets.

Here are the 10 best dog breeds for to protect your property and family, according to the American Kennel Club.

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Most Aggressive Dogs 2024: These are the 10 breeds of dog likely to show signs of aggression - including the Rottweiler

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