If you’ve been thinking about getting a new dog then you’re not alone – Kennel Club figures show that the number of people looking for puppies has surged to record levels in the last few years.
But with 221 different breeds of pedigree dog to choose from, there’s plenty of thinking to do before you select your family’s latest four-legged addition – whether you want a large dog, family-friendly dog, or crossbreed.
Different breeds of dog also tend to have very different personalities – with some dogs wary of strangers and happiest staying at home with their family.
Others are happy to get on with everybody – both human and canine – and thrive on meeting new people and making new friends.
Here are 10 of the most sociable breeds of dog, according to data from the American Kennel Club.

1. Labrador Retriever
The Labrador Retriever is the most popular dog in the UK for good reason - it has a wonderfully sociable temperament. In fact, a potential problem with Labradors is that they love people too much, finding it difficult to keep their distance if somebody is scared of dogs. Photo: Canva/Getty Images

2. French Bulldog
French Bulldogs are so sociable they'll often greet a stranger like an old friend, while visitors to their house will receive plenty of loving attention. Photo: Canva/Getty Images

3. Samoyed
The Samoyed is a breed traditionally used in Siberia to herd animals. Rare in the UK, they have a deep love of human companionship and excitably greet strangers into their home - making for very poor guard dogs. Photo: Canva/Getty Images

4. Golden Retriver
The most popular dog in any given park is likely to be a Golden Retriever. This breed love their family but have plenty of affection left over to shower upon anybody else they happen to meet on any given day. Photo: Canva/Getty Images