FVC: Proud to be one of Scotland’s largest trainers of apprentices
Their expert lecturing staff and excellent facilities help to tailor training specifically to each employer. They offer MAs in areas ranging from Engineering, Construction and Life Sciences to Business, Hospitality, Hairdressing and Care and they pride themselves on their close professional links with each industry. Whatever your business, FVC can support your MA.
The College can help you invest in the future of your business by creating a highly skilled and productive workforce, as MAs receive training to match your business needs. The flexible and relevant training for industry sectors can easily be incorporated into daily working practices, with minimal impact to your organisation, and a dedicated FVC Apprenticeship Officer will also be on hand to support your MA journey.
Working for employers
A Modern Apprenticeship (MA) is designed to support your business, by allowing people to ‘earn while they learn’ and attain industry recognised qualifications at the same time. Here’s a flavour of how FVC’s high standards can help MAs rise to the very top of their chosen professions.
Specialist training
FVC’s new state-of-the-art Falkirk Campus, which opened in January 2020, specialises in engineering, technology and science and offers onshore and offshore petrochemical training as well as a focus on renewables for MAs, providing the ultimate experience in training.
Hospitality and Hairdressing apprentices mainly train on the job with their employers under the guidance of work based assessors.
Specialised joinery, plumbing, brickwork, renewables, painting and decorating workshops also provide training that is second-to-none across the country.
For the most part the MA will be based in their employer’s place of work and attend the College on day release – or agreed block release – to learn in excellent training facilities and workshops with well-equipped teaching rooms, high specification laboratories, simulated plants and all the latest technology. However, time spent at College can vary depending on the apprenticeship and programmes typically last between one and four years.
The great thing about the MA programme is that anyone can do it and earn while they learn and gain a recognised qualification at the end. Programmes cater for students of all ages – although it’s worth bearing in mind funding may only be available for certain age groups.
More about MA Programmes:
MAs provide employers with the opportunity to train new employees or upskill existing staff backed by funding from Skills Development Scotland (SDS) via the Scottish Government.
To get started with taking on an MA, find a suitable candidate that fits your business. Then, contact FVC’s experienced team for expert support in MA recruitment, selection and funding applications. With their comprehensive assistance, businesses can confidently choose to employ an MA, knowing they have dedicated support.
To find out more about the MA programmes at Forth Valley College, all you have to do is visit the website.