Falkirk’s new look CRASHKID revving up for a musical joyride in Glasgow

Falkirk band CRASHKIDFalkirk band CRASHKID
Falkirk band CRASHKID
The new improved CRASHKID crew who take to the stage at Ivory Blacks on Friday night will rock harder than they have ever done.

Founder members singer Tony-Jake “TJ” Green and aptly named drummer Harry Bang will be joined in Glasgow by new bass player Matthew Simpson and a second guitarist Andrew Dunn for the new line-up’s first ever gig together.

TJ said: “We’ve been playing together for a few months now, but Ivory Blacks will be our first ever gig as a four piece. Harry and I have played Ivory Blacks before when the band was trio and we also played the Record Factory in Glasgow, the Edinburgh Fringe and a concert in Falkirk town centre.”

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Playing as a trio since 2017, CRASHKID’s former bass player called it quits in October last year and ushered in a new era for the Falkirk alternative rockers.

“Our bass player left,” said TJ. “But Harry and I decided to keep going and we got an excellent new bass player in Matthew. We thought it might be interesting to add another guitarist and Andrew and I had been friends who talked a lot about music, so we got him on board.

“Harry has always been a great drummer, but now with Matthew and Andrew we’re really working well as a unit. We’re now sounding better than we ever did.”

And that’s saying something because the band sounded pretty amazing as a trio when they recorded their EP Love Bites, featuring songs A Waster’s Holiday, Absolute Pleasure, Stirling and 70s Girl – any band who rhymes Joan Jett with Suffragette is cooking with gas in anyone’s book.

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“We play original numbers in a wide variety of styles, but you could call us alternative indie rock. It’s generally me who writes the songs, but Andrew has helped me and has some of his own songs too.”

The band’s name CRASHKID – all capital letters and one word – may be slang for a joyrider, but that was purely accidental.

“We were all trying to come up with a name,” said TJ. “I liked the name Clash, but changed it to Crash and added the Kid bit in after listening to the Green Day song X Kid. It wasn’t until later on we found out about the joyrider meaning.”

CRASHKID mkII will play their Love Bites songs, and some new material, at Ivory Blacks and then get busy seeking out more live opportunities.

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TJ said: “We are trying to get some more venues to play at and we’re talking to other bands who might like to play with us on a night – that’s easier than trying get your own venue and do a gig yourself.

“We will be looking to play in Glasgow and Edinburgh, but also Stirling – which has the Tolbooth – and Falkirk too. Behind the Wall is probably the best venue to play in the town.”

Doors open at 7pm.

Visit www.facebook.com/crashkidofficial or instagram @crashkidofficial or twitter @CRASHKIDtweets for more.

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