Full-time Falkirk preparing for League One and Betfred Cup

Falkirk hope to be back in action in around three months. Picture: Michael Gillen.Falkirk hope to be back in action in around three months. Picture: Michael Gillen.
Falkirk hope to be back in action in around three months. Picture: Michael Gillen.
Falkirk will remain a full-time operation next season, despite a second season in Scottish football’s third tier.

Sections of the club support have worried the club may have to turn part-time as a result of their prolonged league status, but that’s not the case at The Falkirk Stadium.

Chairman Gary Deans was quick to knock the suggestion on the head when asked this week. He told The Falkirk Herald: “There’s no plans for us to go part-time, no.”

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While a second season in League One is undesirable, the Bairns are preparing to take on the 27-game 20-21 campaign, potentially to start in October, and also opt in to the Betfred Cup which is also being lined up for a start in late September or early October.

The Premiership will kick off on August 1, the Championship on October 17 with the rest of the SPFL leagues lining up for a similar start date.