Wedding day blues for former soldier as medal is lost

Paul and Tracy Donnelly on their wedding day on June 16Paul and Tracy Donnelly on their wedding day on June 16
Paul and Tracy Donnelly on their wedding day on June 16
A former soldier's wedding day ended in upset when he realised he had lost one of his prized army service medals.

What should have been a day of happy memories for Paul Donnelly and his new bride, Tracy, finished on a low after he noticed it was missing from the lapel of his jacket.

Now he has appealed to Falkirk Herald readers to help him get it back.

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By checking the timetable of the pictures taken that day, Paul knows the medal was lost in Dollar Park on the afternoon of June 16.

It was awarded to him in recognition of his tour of duty in Northern Ireland in 1993 with the 1st Battalion Royal Scots. It has his name, rank and service number on the back and attached to a distinctive green and purple ribbon.

Paul (43) served with 1 Scots between 1993 and 2000 and also received a medal for the time he served in Bosnia.

The newlywed, who has a daughter Shannon (17) and son Lewis (14) from a previous marriage, said: “Both medals are of immense sentimental value to me and really all I have to remember that time in my life. The children are proud of me being in the army and my intention always was to give them one each when they are older.

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“I’m annoyed with myself for losing it. I’d hired my wedding outfit and did not want to sew them onto the jacket in case I damaged it, so I used pins instead.

“The wedding was a magical day for me and Tracy and our families. The photographer took us to Dollar Park for the bride and groom photographs and then back to the Three Kings later in the afternoon for photographs with the rest of the wedding party.

“By looking at the time the pictures were taken, I know the medal has to have fallen off while we were in Dollar Park. I’m hoping someone has picked it up and not knowing what to do, just kept it. We’re normally a quiet family, keeping ourselves to ourselves, but I’m appealing to Falkirk Herald readers for help because I’m really desperate to get it back as it means so much to me. It would be great if that can happen.”

Paul and Tracy (38), an assistant manager with a bakers in Falkirk High Street, live with Shannon in Camelon.

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Anyone who may have picked up the medal or comes across it in Dollar Park can contact The Falkirk Herald by email on [email protected] and we will be happy to make sure it and Paul are reunited.

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