Film crew and actors working on a new Lockerbie bombing TV series were in Bo'ness last week.Film crew and actors working on a new Lockerbie bombing TV series were in Bo'ness last week.
Film crew and actors working on a new Lockerbie bombing TV series were in Bo'ness last week.

Filming of drama based on Lockerbie bombing takes place in Bo'ness

Scenes for a new series on the Lockerbie bombing were being filmed in and around Bo’ness Town Hall last week.

Film crews working on the new drama could be seen in the area over a number of days.

The five-part series is being created by Carnival Films and Sky Studios and follows the story of Jim and Jane Swire, who lost their daughter Flora in the 1988 tragedy.

Hollywood actor Colin Firth is cast in the role of Jim Swire for the series.

Filming has been taking place across central Scotland in recent weeks, with crews having already been spotted at Rivaldsgreen House and on Friars Brae in Linlithgow as well as in Glasgow.