
Camelon’s Ann is Falkirk Rotary’s community champ

A woman who has worked tirelessly for the community where she was born and bred was rewarded this week.

Ann Henderson’s first instinct was to turn down the Rotary Club of Falkirk Community Achievement Award as she didn’t feel she deserved the accolade – but when she heard that with the trophy came £400 for the charity of her choice then she gratefully accepted.

The chairperson of Camelon Community Centre didn’t have to think twice where the money would go.

For the last four years she has been the inspiration 
behind the village’s Winter Festival.

Held on Sunday in the 
Abercrombie Street centre, it attracted over 400 people, mostly children and proved to be a huge success.

Ann (68) has been involved with the centre’s committee for 25 years.

She is also a dedicated line dancer and the club she started in 1995 when not 
going through their paces, raise hundreds of pounds for charity.

The Rotary club award goes to an ‘unsung hero’ whose 
efforts help others in their community.

It is jointly sponsored by Morton Pacitti Solicitors and The Falkirk Herald.

Ann, who was nominated by Calum Renton, said: “I was stunned to learn that I had been put forward, far less had won.

“It is a great honour and I really appreciate being nominated and chosen as winner.

“I’m a true Mariner and 
always want to do what I can do for my community.”

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