Baby of the week: Shieldhill tot Rayn Chisholm

Rayn Chisholm  (pic: submitted)Rayn Chisholm  (pic: submitted)
Rayn Chisholm (pic: submitted)
Rayn Shai Chisholm was born on July 18, 2023 at Forth Valley Royal Hospital at 11.52am, weighing 8lb 8oz.

Mum Alix Tully, 23, is a stay at home mum, while dad Tyler Chisholm, 24, is a warehouse operative. Rayn has a big brother, Parker, who is three. The family live in Shieldhill.

Mum said her pregnancy was very tiring with having another child to chase around, but overall, aside from having pregnancy anaemia and some very bad heartburn she had a very healthy pregnancy.

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Rayn was born by planned c-section. Mum said it was amazing and so laid back. She said: “I pictured it to be absolutely terrifying, but everyone was so prepared and kept us so calm and before we knew it our baby girl was here and we were over the moon.

Mum and dad chose the name Rayn as they fell in love with the name rain but wanted a unique way of spelling it. Her middle name, Shai, is a combination of her grandmothers’ names – Samantha and Mhairi.

Mum said: “Our Rayn is very smiley, laid back and full of cheek.”

Her proud grandparents are Nana Samantha Tully, Papa Alan Penman, Granny Mhairi Chisholm, Papa G Graeme Chisholm, Grandpa Sean Tully and Grandma Sharon Tully.

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Mum said she would love to thank Tyler for being a wonderful dad and the best support system through pregnancy and after.

*If you’ve recently had a new addition to the family and would like them to feature as our baby of the week then get in touch. Send us an email to [email protected] with your name, contact number and baby’s date of birth. Please note, babies should be less than six months old at the time of entering.