Baby of the week: Grangemouth tot Theo Thomson

Theo ThomsonTheo Thomson
Theo Thomson
Theo Steven Thomson was born on July 22, 2021 at Forth Valley Royal Hospital at 6.32pm, weighing 7lb 3oz.

Dad Sean Thomson is a welder and mum Kathryn Walker is a business support manager. The family live in Grangemouth.

Mum says her pregnancy went well with a few extra scans to keep an eye on Theo’s size as he was measuring small, but it was a relatively smooth pregnancy.

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Mum was induced and things progressed quickly, however Theo was distressed and was born by emergency c-section.

Mum and dad didn’t know what they were having so had a list for both genders. They started off really struggling for boys’ names but Theo became a firm favourite. As soon as he was born and they saw him he just suited the name.

Theo is such a happy, content little thing with a head full of hair that everyone comments on, but mum and dad love it.

His proud grandparents are Steven and June Walker and Mike Thomson and Mira Moore.

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Mum and dad would like to thank all their friends and family for their well wishes, cards and gifts for Theo.

*If you’ve recently had a new arrival in the family and would like them to feature as our baby of the week, email us at [email protected]. Please include your name, daytime contact number and the little one’s date of birth. Note that babies should be less than six months old at the time of entering.