Baby of the week: Falkirk tot Ivy Taylor

Ivy Taylor (pic: submitted)Ivy Taylor (pic: submitted)
Ivy Taylor (pic: submitted)
Ivy Baillie Taylor was born on July 23, 2023 at Forth Valley Royal Hospital at 11.48am, weighing 8lb 8oz.

Mum Ella Taylor, 18, is a student and they live in Falkirk.

Mum said her pregnancy was easy as she didn’t have any morning sickness or heartburn. She didn’t know she was pregnant until she was 35 weeks. When it came to the birth she said Ivy came out in her sack and it was a fast labour.

Mum said picking a name was really hard, but she wanted something that was different and not as usual as other names.

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Ivy is content and happy, mum says she’s a really good sleeper and eater and always has a smile.

Her proud grandmother is Joanne Taylor.

Mum said she would like to thank all of her family for supporting her, with a huge thank you to her mum for being her biggest supporter and helping her through it all.

*If you’ve recently had a new arrival in the family and would like them to feature as our baby of the week, then get in touch. Send an email with your name, contact number and baby’s date of birth to [email protected]. Please note, babies should be less than six months old at the time of entering.