Baby of the week: Bonnybridge tot Piper Hyslop

Piper HyslopPiper Hyslop
Piper Hyslop
Piper Ann Hyslop was born on May 27, 2021 at Forth Valley Royal Hospital at 12.44am, weighing 6lb 1oz.

Mum Kirsty Hyslop, 29 is an early years officer at Bantaskin Nursery, while dad Gordon Hyslop, 30, is a service assurance professional for Openreach.

Piper has two big brothers who absolutely adore her, Murray who is six and two-year-old Ruairi.

The family live in Bonnybridge.

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Mum says the pregnancy was a little touch as she felt very sick all the way through it. Piper was born three weeks early due to her measuring small.

Mum was induced on Monday, May 24 and Piper finally arrived on the Thursday.

Piper is a name both mum and dad loved. They thought it was different but not too unusual.

Her middle name, Ann, is after Kirsty’s mum who they are very thankful to have in their lives.

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Piper is a very happy baby, who is always smiling, especially at her brothers. She is a great sleeper and is very loved by everyone.

Piper’s proud grandparents are granny Ann McNiven, gran and papa June and Jim Hyslop and great grandparents, Nana Sadie and Gran Agnes.

Mum would like to thank the staff at the Larbert hospital and husband Gordon who helped her through it all.

She’d also like thank her mum Ann who looked after the boys whilst she was in hospital.

*If you’ve recently had a little one and would like them to feature in our baby of the week column email [email protected]