Sophie's Diary: I've learned how important it is to appreciate myself

Sophie WallaceSophie Wallace
Sophie Wallace
It's funny to think this time last year I was nothing less than a complete stress-box over my sixth year exams.

Even though I had met my conditions and accepted my offer for Glasgow Caley, I was still up in arms over creative writing folios for English and drama theorists like Stanislavski and Peter Brooke. Fast forward a year though, and here I am with two days of my first year left. In all fairness the only reason I’m finishing so early is because I don’t have any exams this year, but it does mean that I now have a five month gap until I go back to my studies to do whatever I want.

First year has taught me a couple of things about both other people and myself and about life as a whole. Firstly, I’ve come to realise my parents actually trust me a lot more than what I initially thought. I think my university experience so far has helped them learn that I am capable of looking after myself and can be a responsible adult, and so I feel content with the idea they trust me to do my own thing.

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The second thing it’s taught me is what true friendship is. The Journo Army may be dwindling ever so slightly in numbers as people discover journalism isn’t for them, but we’ve still stuck as a clan through thick and thin. Learning to accept and appreciate people for who they are is a skill that I’m grateful for developing and it’s something that I think people struggle with at school. It’s probably best I point out here that university is a completely different ball game for school, but trust me it develops you as a person for the better.

And finally, it’s taught me it’s ok to be me. Even though there may be people out there who don’t appreciate me, I’ve learned how important it is to appreciate myself. In journalism, it’s all about going with your gut instinct and so learning to believe in me is something I now can do.

I have no idea what the next five months have in store for me. But what I will say is watch this space – I can’t wait to experience new things in the lead-up to my second year.

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