Letter from the Editor: Community has a role to play

Falkirk Herald editor Jill BuchananFalkirk Herald editor Jill Buchanan
Falkirk Herald editor Jill Buchanan
The word community is used a lot, particularly in the media but in the nine letters it perhaps fails to convey the impact it can have.

This week, the community in Liverpool was finally vindicated when a jury decided the 96 fans who died at Hillsborough 27 years ago were unlawfully killed.

Thanks to the victims’ families and the wider population in the Merseyside city, the truth has at last come out.

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A perfect example of a community which, despite being vilified in some quarters, was determined to seek redress for those who left their homes on a Saturday morning to go to a football match but tragically never returned.

In their words “justice has finally been done”.

Closer to home I had the privilege of taking part in the dedication service for the Camelon War Memorial on Saturday.

No-one involved when the idea was first put forward could ever have imagined it would take so much researching or be such a protracted project.

However, almost 100 years after the end of the First World War the 262 men from this particular village are finally remembered with a fitting memorial.

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This was a fine example of a community working together to achieve an aim.

Another similar effort of a group uniting to help one of their own was at the Falkirk FC Gala Awards event on Monday when people generously supported the efforts to raise money to adapt the home of Bairns’ stalwart Gordon McFarlane to allow him to leave hospital after suffering a stroke.

Well done to all involved in these projects.

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