Column: A campaign that's got everyone talking...

Stock image: Neil HannaStock image: Neil Hanna
Stock image: Neil Hanna
National Conversation Week 2018 (March 19-25) is all about the simple, pleasurable and rewarding pastime of simply talking to each other.

We’re very much a society that’s “always on” and, unfortunately, the art of human conversation is getting drowned in a sea of emojis, swiping right (ask your single friends) and dwindling attention spans.

Whether it’s keeping in touch with friends or updating a colleague at work, most of us are guilty of hiding behind a screen to send a quick text, fire off an email, post a social media message or search online rather than taking the time to actually speak with somebody.

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That’s why we’re encouraging everyone in the UK to spend the week trying a little bit harder to engage with those around them be they a friend, family member, colleague or customer.

We’re not asking you to throw away your phone and we’re not trying to send the UK back to the 90s – although arguably the music was better – we simply want everyone to talk more.

If that sounds like something you want to be a part of, here’s how you can get involved:

Share our image – which is available to download on our website – to show everyone you’re supporting National Conversation Week.

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You can also follow @NatConvWeek on Twitter and share what you’re doing throughout the week – you never know, your idea may inspire others.

Upload a picture using #NatConvWeek which reminds you and everyone else just how good it is to talk.

Share your favourite time to talk, your favourite person to talk to, the best conversation you’ve ever had or the best piece of advice you’ve ever received.

Call or FaceTime a family member instead of using text or whatsapp.

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Have a family meal at the dinner table – without the television blaring away in the background, electronic devices at hand or any other distractions.

Take a break from binge watching that boxset to talk about your day with your significant other.

Speak to a colleague instead of playing e-mail tennis with them.

Agree to some phone-free time when out for drinks or dinner with friends.

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If you’re a parent, why not tell your children why conversations are important and encourage them to talk and confide in you.

Make a point of listening to everything they want to tell you during the week, no matter how small or trivial.

If you’re a teacher, focus on the importance of conversation skills – and have some fun conversation-themed activities in class.

For more details, visit www.nationalconversation

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