Lynda hosts tea party for Royal staff

Lynda next to the Queen's helicopterLynda next to the Queen's helicopter
Lynda next to the Queen's helicopter
It's not every day that HM The Queen drops in '“ but that's literally what happened to Lynda and Robert Young.

They even ended up hosting an impromptu tea party for the security team and Royal staff.

The couple discovered the helicopter from The Queen’s flight was landing in the Grangemouth Rugby Club grounds at Glensburgh on Wednesday morning, right next to their home.

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Her Majesty, along with The Duke of Edinburgh, was visiting the Helix Park and The Kelpies, as well as officially opening the final section of the Millennium Link, The Queen Elizabeth II Canal.

Lynda's husband Robert, right, with the security teamLynda's husband Robert, right, with the security team
Lynda's husband Robert, right, with the security team

Lynda said it’s not unusual for helicopters to land there and she noticed the park had been fully cut this week with all the edges trimmed.

She said: “On Wednesday morning I saw the police were not allowing anyone to park in the car park then around two dozen officers were combing the park so we sussed what was happening.

“We were at the back gate when the first guy arrived and he came over to introduce himself as Royal flight ground security. He asked if we knew the Queen was coming by helicopter.

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“He gratefully accepted a coffee and when the security guys arrived he called them over. Next the Queen’s car came in so her chauffeur was called over.

The security team and the Queen's chauffeurThe security team and the Queen's chauffeur
The security team and the Queen's chauffeur

“They were lovely ordinary chaps and we spent around 40 minutes chatting and laughing till they got the call that the helicopter was due.”

Lynda and Robert, who used to be a barber in Bainsford for 55 years, said it was a lovely experience.

“There were only around eight neighbours as the Queen and the Duke drove past so it seemed like we got a personal wave.”

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Later, the couple were allowed to sneak a peak inside the helicopter and Lynda had her photograph taken next to it.

She added: “What a brilliant morning rounded off by a great aerial display over The Kelpies.”

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