Thug battered partner against a bus shelter

Kelly was spotted on CCTV in Falkirk town centreKelly was spotted on CCTV in Falkirk town centre
Kelly was spotted on CCTV in Falkirk town centre
A thug slammed his drug addict girlfriend against a bus shelter after she took off with his money to pay for her high.

When he found his money gone, Jamie Kelly (31) knew where is partner would be – congregating with other drug addicts in Falkirk town centre. He arrived on the scene and attacked her, eventually shoving her hard against the bus shelter where she had been sitting.

Appearing from custody at Falkirk Sheriff Court last Thursday, Kelly previously pled guilty to the assault he committed in Newmarket Street, Falkirk, on November 15 last year.

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Michael Maguire, procurator fiscal depute, said: “It was 7.15pm and there were a number of individuals being monitored by CCTV at a bus shelter. The accused approached the group and the complainer got up from her seat and tried to run away.

“The accused grabbed her by her clothing and threw her to the ground, standing over her with his right arm raised as she cowered beneath him. He then picked her up, grabbed her shoulders then sat her back down in the bus shelter seat.

“He then pushed her back against the bus shelter with what is described as some force. Another individual attempts to separate the complainer and the accused, by getting between them.”

When police arrived the complainer and the other witness refused to give officers any information.

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Defence solicitor Martin Morrow said: “There is no injury here. He was working and his wages were put into this lady’s bank account. He has had an ongoing battle with drugs and is on methadone.

“Temptation was too much for the female in question and she went where drug dealers gather – which is why no one admitted to seeing anything. She had gone and the money had gone, so he went up the road to find her – heading to a place where he knew she might spend the money.”

The court heard Kelly had six previous assaults on his record.

Sheriff Derek Livingston said: “You may be entitled to speak to her, but you are certainly not entitled to assault her.”

Kelly, 1 Buchanan Court, Bainsford, was sentenced to six months in prison back dated to December 22.