Pervert pensioner caught with 200,000 hardcore child porn images

Stirling Sheriff CourtStirling Sheriff Court
Stirling Sheriff Court
A sick pensioner was found in possession of 300 videos showing children '“ some as young as two '“ being raped and thousands of child porn images.

Appearing at Stirling Sheriff Court today, Stewart Forgie (66), Poplar Street, Grangemouth, pled guilty to downloading and possessing child porn.

He was arrested after police raided his home and seized two computers and three external hard-drives, all of which he had in his living room, containing the “very high number” of images.

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After the equipment was analysed it was found to contain a total of 2144 child-porn videos, 303 of them of the most serious kind, and over 198,000 still images of child porn. Of the still images, 3350 were of the most serious category.

Forgie amassed them over an eight year period, between June 2008 and June 20 last year, when the raid took place.

Procurator fiscal depute Sarah Lumsden said officers from Police Scotland had obtained a warrant after the force’s computer crime unit identified an internet address at Forgie’s home was being used to surf for child porn.

Sheriff Wyllie Robertson placed Forgie on the sex offenders’ register, and deferred sentence until July 19 for a risk assessment and background report.

He warned Forgie: “Clearly all options, including custody, will be considered.”