Hunt for youths who used fireworks to set bins on fire in Forth Valley

Police say patrols will be stepped up.Police say patrols will be stepped up.
Police say patrols will be stepped up.
Police are hunting three youths thought to be responsible for using fireworks to set bins alight in a Forth Valley Village.

The incidents happened between 8pm last night and 1am this morning, where a number of bins were set on fire in Lamont Crescent, Hawthorn Crescent and Balure Crescent Fallin using fire crackers or similar items which caused an explosion within the bins.

Police say three youths aged between 13-16 years old are believed to be responsible.

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The fires were extinguished with the help of the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service and thankfully no one was injured.

Police are keen to speak to anyone who may have witnessed these incidents or anyone who knows the youths responsible.

The community team can be contacted via email: [email protected], tel: 101 quoting ref: PS-20210205-0111 or alternatively anonymously via CrimeStoppers on 0800 555 111.

Police say that the community team will be carry out additional patrols in the village this weekend.