‘Blind drunk’ Linlithgow driver banned

14-07-2017. Picture Michael Gillen. CAMELON. Falkirk Sheriff Court exterior.14-07-2017. Picture Michael Gillen. CAMELON. Falkirk Sheriff Court exterior.
14-07-2017. Picture Michael Gillen. CAMELON. Falkirk Sheriff Court exterior. | Johnston Press
A young driver admitted he was blind drunk when he lost control of his car and crashed it into a fence post.

Adam Heggie (22) appeared at Falkirk Sheriff Court last week, having pled guilty to driving without due care and attention and drink driving on the A803 Edinburgh to Glasgow Road near Grougfoot Farm, Linlithgow, on April 15 last year. He gave a reading of 93 microgrammes of alcohol in 100 millilitres of breath when the legal limit is 22 microgrammes.

Katie Cunningham, procurator fiscal depute, said: “A vehicle was seen travelling at speed losing control and veering off the carriageway where it collided with a fence gate post.

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“Then it spun back onto the carriageway where it collided with another post. Police arrived and spoke to the accused, who was slurring his words.”

The court heard Heggie admitted to being “blind drunk” at the time. Sheriff Derek Livingston said: “Really going out blind drunk, as you call it, is not a good idea.”

Heggie, 169c High Street, Linlithgow, was banned from driving for 30 months and ordered to complete 210 hours of unpaid work in 12 months.