Baby of the Week: Joshua John Turner

Joshua John TurnerJoshua John Turner
Joshua John Turner
Joshua John Turner was born at 10.16pm on March 30 at Forth Valley Royal Hospitl weighing 7lb 7oz.

THE PARENTS: Mum Joanne Turner (29) is an early years officer with Falkirk Council, while dad David Turner (29) is a manager with Johnstone Paints in Edinburgh. The couple live in Redding with their elder son Charlie (3).

THE PREGNANCY: Joanne admitted it was a lot more tiring this time around with a toddler to run after. However, she had a lot of support from a hands-on husband and said the nine months went very quickly.

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THE BIRTH: Labour was painful but straightforward second time around.

THE BABY: His parents agreee Joshua is “brilliant”. A very happy baby, he still wears a NPA to support his breathing and remains under the care of Glasgow Children’s Hospital.

THE NAME: Big brother Charlie suggested the name Joshua and his parents liked it, while John is after Joanne’s dad.

THE GRANDPARENTS: Joshua is a fourth grandchild for Mary and John Hope of Polmont and second for June and David Turner of Shieldhill.

THANKS: The couple would like to thanks their parents and other family members, particularly for looking after Charlie while Joanne spent four weeks in hospital with Joshua.

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