£127,000 refurbishment for three sets of school toilets in Falkirk

St Margaret's Primary in Polmont is one of three schools having their toilets refurbished.St Margaret's Primary in Polmont is one of three schools having their toilets refurbished.
St Margaret's Primary in Polmont is one of three schools having their toilets refurbished.
Three lots of school toilets in Falkirk council area are being refurbished at a cost of £127,000.

Councillor James Kerr questioned the figure at a meeting of Falkirk Council, saying: “This seems like a lot of money for kids’ toilets – is this value for money?”

Director of Development Rhona Geisler told Mr Kerr that significant work was being done and they compared the cost with previously awarded contracts.

“I’m confident these are good value contracts,” she said.

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However, Councillor Malcolm Nicol said that he had campaigned for some time for better toilet facilities for St Margaret’s Primary School in Polmont.

He said: “I regard this as excellent value for money and I would advise you that this is only phase one of the work, such is the dire need for improvement of the toilets at this school.”

Wallacestone Primary School and Bowhouse Primary School’s toilets are also being refurbished.